HHWR Communications
7th Notification and Communications:
As additional attempts to reach all family members January and February 2023 by all means necessary, the HHWR Family Reunion website was created and several emails, phone calls, text messages, Zoom Meetings, 110 Reunion Packages Mailed via the Post Office, and Facebook messages were sent/made to individual family members in effort to notify everyone of the 2023 Family Reunion in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Most Zoom meetings are brief and consist of prayer, family reunion information, and family status updates. If you attend a Zoom meeting, you are more than welcome to disconnect (Hang up) when you need to do so due to your time management of your real life daily schedule because we all totally understand and we all have a lot on our plate. Thanks to technology, we have several options to continue to stay in contact with each other.
*It's every family member responsibility to notify the HHWR Family Reunion host or another well communicated family member if you've update your contact information and if you'd like to continue to be notified of the HHWR Family Reunion future notifications and communications shared with the family.
6th Notification and Communications:
Family Reunion Package Sent via US Mail: January 20, 2023
6th Notification and Communications:
Family Reunion Package Sent via US Mail: January 20, 2023
6th Notification and Communications:
Family Reunion Package Sent via US Mail: January 20, 2023
6th Notification and Communications:
Family Reunion Package Sent via US Mail: January 20, 2023
5th Notification and Communications:
Sent via Text Message: January 21, 2023
4th Notification and Communications:
Sent via Text Message: January 26, 2022
April McCullen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: "2022 HHWR
Family Check-in"
Date: January 30, 2022
6:30 pm Eastern Time
5:30 pm Central Time
5:30 pm Costa Rica Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 622 459 4211
Passcode: 1DR4u8
Please send any pictures you would like to share with the family to april.mccullen1@gmail.com
Sunday's Agenda (Eastern Time):
- 6:30pm Greet & Chat
- 6:35pm Opening Prayer
- 6:40pm Updates/Photos
- 6:55pm Closing Prayer
- 7:00pm Meeting End
You are loved! ♥
See you soon! :-)
April Shenell McCullen, US Army Veteran, BST, MA, M.Div., BCC
3rd Notification and Communications:
Sent via Text Message: January 9, 2022
Greetings Family - The HHWR Family Reunion in North Carolina has been postponed until 2023 pending the various strains and mutations of COVID-19. Large gatherings are not wise or recommended at this time due to family members who are high risk including myself. Please feel free to share this text message with other family members.
Stay Safe and Blessed!
Love you! ♥♥♥♥♥
2nd Notification and Communications:
Sent via Text Message: January 15, 2021
April McCullen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 2021 HHWR Family Check-in
Please announce your name(Family Name), Where you are located, and who is in the room with you.
Announcements of the upcoming family reunion will be announced by Angie
Time: Jan 17, 2021 03:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Eastern Time : 6:30 p.m.
Central Time : 5:30p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 919 7361 0000
One tap mobile
+522299100061,,91973610000# Mexico
+525541614288,,91973610000# Mexico
Dial by your location
+52 229 910 0061 Mexico
+52 554 161 4288 Mexico
+52 556 826 9800 Mexico
+52 558 659 6001 Mexico
Meeting ID: 919 7361 0000
Find your local number: https://hindshospice.zoom.us/u/abkhUyYoXx
April Shenell McCullen, US Army Veteran, BST, MA, M.Div., BCC
First Download the Zoom App on your phone.
Then Sunday at 6:30pm click on this link to join the Zoom Meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Also sent via text message January 15, 2021, "The 2021 HHWR Family Reunion will be virtual via Zoom this summer."
A reminder text message was sent January 17, 2021 at 3:15pm, "This is a Friendly Reminder of the 2021 HHWR Family Zoom Conference Meeting Today at 6:30pm "Eastern Standard Time Zone" which is the same time zone for MI, OH, NC, and GA. Our Alabama family is on Central Time Zone which is 5:30pm today. Stay Blessed & Be Safe! "
During the family Zoom, Angie proposed to host the Family Reunion in North Carolina in June/2021 as plan but virtually opposed to an In Person family reunion due to the rapid spread of COVID-19 with the benefit of no monetary fees and she would be still willing to have the family reunion in North Carolina after the spread of COVID improves. The family voted on the Zoom meeting and decided to wait until the COVID situation improved to have an In Person family reunion.
Text Message sent after the family Zoom, "Thank you for conferencing with your family! It was Great seeing Everyone via Zoom The results of the voting: "The 2021 Family Reunion has been postponed until 2022 pending COVID-19 and the COVID Variant." Stay Safe and Blessed!" ♥♥♥♥♥
The HHWR Family members had a Zoom meeting on Christmas Day 2020 to Check-In and wish everyone Happy Holidays! The meeting was suppose to last for a short period of time but some of us stayed on the Zoom while cooking holiday dinner, traveling by car, or just relaxing at home during the lengthy FUN and LOVING Interactive Zoom meeting. It was GREAT seeing and speaking with everyone! I can't remember who initiated and sent this Holiday Zoom meeting but THANK YOU because everyone's Presence was my Christmas Present (SMILE)! ♥
1st Notification and Communications:
After the HHWR family members voted to have the next family reunion in North Carolina, 100 copies were printed the same day and a copy was given to everyone during the last family reunion in Cleveland, Ohio at the park during the family picnic June 22, 2019. Please see Old Plans from the Original family reunion flyer from June 22, 2019 below.